Saturday, August 11, 2018

My blogging experience

In general, my experience writing blogs was very good, in my life I had never done something like that, and sincerely I did not think to do it. To write about something that I like makes me happy, although sometimes I did not want to do it in class jaja😛, but I was always happy when I finished to writing the blog because, despite to write about one topic in specific, I always left something of me in these blogs, some opinion or preference.

After writing 9 blogs I realize that I have progressed a lot in the writing in English, before I cloud barely write a sentence and now I am writing the blog number 10, I can’t believe it!

In the future, I would like to include in the blogs more links of videos, recommendations of books, more photos, I also would like to write a lot, not just 200 words, and I also would like that other people to read my blogs😅 and I also read blogs of people that no necessarily are studying in this university.

In the blogs that possibly I follow writing I would like to write about so many things, for example the flowers, mascots, about things that I like to do in my free time; the meaning of love, the family, the life; to tell things that I have done and write about things that I want to achieve, about the dreams that I have or where I want to live, etc.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Mental Disorder

The Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that affect some functions of the brain, for example the emotions, the thought, the behavior. Some people who suffer this disease can hear voices, imagine things (delirium) or talk about senseless things.

Both men and women can suffer this mental disorder, either children or adult, but is more common that the men suffer Schizophrenia, between 15 and 30 years.

The schizophrenia is a chronic disease, therefore, one person will suffer it all his life. And one of the treatment to reduce the symptoms can be the use of medicine, also can be very useful the psychotherapy to could manipulate the  behavior and the social relationship. 
The treatment can work as long as it is followed like it should be, but exist a big porcentaje (75% aprox) of people that leave the treatment.

This disease can impact on the educative and laboral performance, because the people can present delirum, hallucination, confuses ideas, problems in the take of decisions, anormal behavior (walk in circules or froms side to side), or be incapable to start or finish ome activity. It would also affect in the social and familiar life, because they lose contact with the reality and they isolate from the other peoples.

Some risk factors can cause the suffer of Schizophrenia are the genetics, the abuse os drugs and psychotics traumas.

Friday, August 3, 2018

The subject that I most liked was...

The subject that I most liked was ‘The Pharmaceutical chemist and his action’. We was divided in sections because we was a lot of people (160 persons approximately), and in each section there was a little of theory and a little of practical.

That we did in that subject was going to visit laboratories, to know how they worked and what function did the pharmaceutical chemist perform in this place; we also hear talks from different pharmaceutical chemist graduates and they told us about which area they worked and what their work consisted; we learned pharmaceutical terminology; and we had to investigated about one topic of the chemistry and pharmacy career and debate in front of our classmates. In the activities the teachers, the pharmaceutical chemist graduates and the students participated.

This subject I liked, because I knew a lot of things about the career (more than I knew before), what I could do when I finish it and how I could help to the people with my work. And this subject it’s so interesting because it teaches you things related to the career that you are studying, no like math or physics that are subjects in common with the other careers.

My blogging experience

In general, my experience writing blogs was very good, in my life I had never done something like that, and sincerely I did not think to ...